Friday, November 28, 2008

The day of food, and I ate too much!

All the food is on the table, the wine is poured and we are ready to eat! Here is the after dinner drink. It's called a cordial-- I guess it's what the old folks do here in Florida. I love this retirement community in the south-- I wonder if I can forage my birth certificate to say that I'm 50? I would love to Cordial-late every day!
And now the dessert makes it's way around. I skipped the pumpkin pie and had a slice of this "Kentucky derby pie". I'm not sure what's in it. Anyone had one before?

Man do I need a spin class!

1 comment:

Sammy the Bull said...

TMI Chick. And what is that thing in the center, a safety pin holding you together so you tummy doesn't explode. Maybe you shoud attach a bike to the back of the car on your way back to Md to work it of. LOL