What I want to know is if I'm doing too much? Are you tired of seeing me? Are my classes not as upbeat or exciting because I'm over doing it? Is it starting to feel like "ground hog day?"
I have so much studying to do for Combat, but I'm still wasting so much time on Facebook-- what is the infatuation with that site? Do I NEED to know that you're cooking dinner, or watching sesame street, or shaving your legs? Why am I so hooked? Does that mean I need a life of my own?
Pa..lezzze. I just need you to keep being the chick. Honestly, my fitness level is a direct result of you're enthusiasm You're a pro. don't change.
Tiff we love you at World Gym. A day without Tiff is a day without Corona Lite. Keep it up, and in your very own words, "push, push, push". Can't wait to try the new Combat class. Looks very fun.
I saw you in Combat training today and you blew my mind. You work so hard. I told Tara "that girl is on crack" to which she replied "I know, I supply it to her!" She is hilarious!!! Anyway, you are working like a dog. I swear you are getting smaller and smaller. But, you give it 100% every time! You rock, we love you and we keep coming back for more!
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