Thursday, February 26, 2009


Yes, I know you've seen this picture before, but....
Here is it again with a bandage... So you know what's next, right?

You guessed it, I DID IT! Gina couldn't be there today, but her sister-in-law Genna took good care of me, held my hand, told me I was going to live, had the paramedics standing by just incase...

Genna was laughing at me. Gina told her how nervous I was and Genna was like"Tiff? I thought she was hard core!" Well, now you know.... I get my strength from the bandanna..
Now all I need is alittle Florida sunshine to tan up the mid-section.
It is done...


kprestipino said...

ouch!! Is this why you missed spin today?? I hope there was a shot of something involved. Liquid courage.

Danny Douglas said...

love it!