Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Spinners!

My Tuesday/Thursday group decided to get together and create their own spin ride and this is what they came up with:

hey chick,
here is the spin ride for tuesday. Just wanted to show you there are songs that were made after '79, which was before either of us were born. We did include some older songs for those in the class that are old....excuse me thats not politically correct we'll go with youngly challenged. We also could only remember some of the technical terms so the rest of them, well we just made stuff up. Also we limited the country but there is some on there.....I mean hell we are in CULVERT CAOUNTY.

1. When the Sun Goes Down by Kenny Chesney 4:50...............WARM-UP (Still happy 2 be at spin)
2. I Want You to Want Me by Cheap Trick 3:44..........WHEN WE GO UP THE HILL AND YOU TELL US TO KEEP CHANGING GEARS TO HARDER, AND WE CURSE YOUR NAME. (our level of happiness has decreased from 10-8)
3. The Fever by Garth Brooks 3:41..........SPRINTS, REALLY DO I HAVE TO SAY ANYMORE THERE SPRINTS. OR AS I LIKE TO CALL THEM WIND SUCKERS. (level of happiness drastically drops to 4, along with brain function do to lack of oxygen)
4. All Summer Long by Kidd Rock 4:51..........FLAT ROAD RECOVERY WHERE WE ALL SUCK DOWN WATER LIKE WE'VE BEEN IN THE DESERT FOR 6 MONTHS. (level of happiness goes back up to 8)
5. Walk this Way by Aerosmith & run DMC 5:11..........THIS IS THE ONE WHERE YOU YELL SWITCH A-L-O-T. NEXT TIME YOU YELL IT I'M SWITCHING CLASSES. (level of happiness decreases to 6)
6. Kryponite by 3 Doors Down 3:53...........THE DEEP FREEZE, WHERE YOU YELL FREEZE AND WERE ARE SOMEHOW NOT SUPPOSED TO MOVE WHILE WE PEDDLE....YEAH OK! THATS GONNA HAPPEN (level of happiness severly drops to 2)
7. ShiftWork by Kenny Chesney 4:31...........THE HILL (SEE #2 FOR EXPLANATION) (level of happiness drops to -2)
8. Paradise City by Guns and Roses 4:25.........THE HOVER, WHERE WE ARE 2" OFF THE SEAT OF THE BIKE (AT THIS POINT I'M WONDERING WHY THERE IS EVEN A SEAT ON THE BIKE) (there is no level of happiness we are all ready to call our husbands or wives to come pick us up. We have ridden about 12 miles AND WE ARE DONE!)
9. Free and Easy by Dierks Bently 3:18.........FAT ROAD RECOVERY (REVERT BACK TO #4) (leve of happiness returns to 5)
10. Drift Away by Dolby Gray & Uncle Kracker 4:18.........COOL DOWN Thank God!

Well I hope this works for you, I think there is a little something for everybody, and if there isn't Oh Well at least I know the songs.

OK, what do you think? To do this ride or not to do this ride?


Danny Douglas said...

10 songs? Is that a ride? Sounds like a warm up for Wednesday mornings!

Tara Larrimore said...

Wednesday morning! Some of us have to work. Plus Tues./Thurs. afternoon class, we're making our own soundtrack now. We're THAT good. I don't see your spin ride on the spin chicks blog.

Sammy the Bull said...

Hey Tue/Thurs, come up with some original songs. Most of your tracks have been lifted from the Weds class. How long do you guys go... 45 min. that's not Spin, that's day care.Real Spinners go for 80 minutes. Spin Bikes at ten paces, meet us after school and we'll settle this. LOL

Keep up the good work, Nice ride, you guys rock.

Danny Douglas said...

Oh, I have provided Tiff with 2 rides (that means more than 45 minutes) thank you very much. So basically, based on your 45 min warm-ups, I have developed 4 soundtracks for Tues/Thurs. You can thank me later. KPB!!!

amarquis said...

10 songs. Wimps. Being in the "born in the early 60's crowd" I can only say that with age and a love for classic rock comes ENDURANCE.

Tara Larrimore said...

Alright Wednesday Morning you win, but some of us have to start somewhere and work our way up. Maybe, as soon as I get the OK from doc, I can take a few mornings off and spin with the big dogs.