Wednesday Halloween Ride (80-mins)
Warm-up: Monster Mash- 3:48
Jog: Somebody’s watching me- 3:59
Seated run- into the night- 3:41
Climb: Highway to Hell- 3:28
Sprints: Devil went down to Georgia- 3:37
Jumps: Purple People Eater- 2:16
Climb: Werewolves of London- 3:21
Jog: Addams groove- 3:59
Run: devil with a blue dress- 3:32
Climb: nightmare on my street- 4:59
Sprints: Frankenstein- 4:47
Jog/ Frozen Jog: Thriller- 5:58
Jumps: Ghostbusters- 4:04 (47)
Climb: super freak- 3:41
Sprints: Welcome to the Jungle- 4:34
Sit/stand/hover- I want candy- 3:16
Jog: crazy- 3:01
Run: Time warp- 3:19
Cool down- spiders and snakes- 3:09 (68) 9 mins
Paralizer- sprints/climb- 3:25
Live and let die- 3:14 jog/run
Lady evil- 4:23 sprints/run
Boogie man- 4:05
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