Friday, October 31, 2008

Pumpkin Carving Night At My House!

Those are my three little angels pulling the guts and seeds from their pumpkins we got from the pumpkin patch. They are all alittle squeamish and I have an idea, MOM (that's me) will be the one scraping the insides out...

And this is me with my pumpkin... looks like the perfect time for a nice class of Chianti.

Yum, I can't think of anything better at this time than a nice glass of pumpkin wine to get me through the rest of this carving mess....

And there is Sydney (we call her Muffin) trying to "poke" out her pumpkins eyes with a screwdriver... what can I say?!? Tiff Jr. (I just hope my dad doesn't read this blog and see her using HIS tools...)

And finally we made it to the end with little to no casualties. Great job girls-- your Jack-O-Lanterns look GREAT!

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