Saturday, December 20, 2008

Martha Stewart? NOT!

I'm no Martha Stewart NOR am I Puna (for those of you who read Puna's blog you know that she cooks like a chef-- fresh veggies and all)... Nope, that ain't me.
So when it comes to Holiday cookies, I'm all about the break and bake!

Some of the girls only like chocolate chip cookies, so we made half and half and they each took a turn sprinkling them with green and red sprinkles!

Oops! Too much on that one, brush some off... see my mad baking skills?

And they turned out GREAT! OK, so they're not in the shape of trees or stars or snowmen (snow people). I'm guessing they still taste great!

Yep, the girls give me three thumbs up! I'm Mom of the day!

Let's hope Santa gets some homemade cookies at someone elses house, because this is all I got!


Danny Douglas said...

I LOVE the face your kid is making in the second pic! Priceless.

Anonymous said...

Even if I had grown the wheat and grounded the flour, it wouldn't have tasted any better than those that you make!