Monday, January 26, 2009

The Squat!

A proper squat done in a body pump class... Heels are slightly wider than hips and toes are turned out just a bit. Elbows under shoulders, bar on the meaty part of your back. Abs tight!
(yes, I'm still freezing and my photographer extraordinaire kept making me laugh)

Try not to bend forward while squatting down, this puts a strain on your lower back. Your bar should be moving straight up and down.

That's better, keeping your chest lifted and pushing your butt back and down.

This is the top of the squat, it shows the bar on the meaty part of your upper back.
(Nice leg profile there if I do say so myself)

This picture shows the low position of your squat. You should never go lower than 90 degrees.
(yeah, I was already getting tired of holding the bar)

This is TOO low for a squat.
(I cut my head out-- I didn't have a very cute look on my face-- I was having MVA flashbacks!)

My last photo just reminds you how far apart your feet should be. Remember, slightly wider than hips, toes turned out a tad.
(Wow, I really need some new tennis shoes-- anyone know of some good ones?)
And my serious note, we push through our squat track very quickly in class, bottom half pulses produce alot of burn in our upper legs. Keeping the bar, upper back, and abs in proper form will give us the BEST results and burn the most calories!

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