I had a great time in OC, minus the sickness of course.
It was my second trip to the OC bike week. Last year it rained and it was so cold. I packed shorts and flip flops and had to buy sweat shirts when I got there. This year they called for rain the entire weekend, so I packed jeans and boots and t-shirts and it was a STEAMY 95 degrees everyday and I never saw a drop of rain!
I did pass the World Gym several times and thought about stopping in for a spin class, but I decided that being on a bike with a throttle is much more enjoyable!
I staid with friends on 94th street and they had Harley Davidson swaps all the way to Salisbury.
A friend of mine called to tell me she was also in OC with her husband and kids and the first words out of my mouth were, "you know it's bike week, don't you?". Ummmm, yeah-- she kinda figured that out!
I spent time at Fish Tales, Hooters, Pickles Pub, and the Harley Davidson store, but my favorite place was Cowboys. It's off the road behind a strip mall on 116th street-- the beer was always cold and the food was excellent! If you get a chance to go, ask for Mizz-- tell her Tiffiany sent you! Yee Haw!
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