Monday, September 8, 2008

Trust me, I know my stuff

I work as hard as you do! Do you think I wake up like this in the mornings? NO! My teeth are straight and white because I had braces as a kid and I brush and floss two or three times a day! I have good skin because I wash my face morning and night. I have good hair because I’m able to go to the salon to cover the gray and I wash it often. And I have a fit body because I know fitness, I’m passionate about fitness and I work out above and beyond my fitness classes! Would you want to take a class from an unfit instructor? Would you go to a dentist if he/she had yellow teeth? How many of you have taken an aerobic class and said your goal is to look just like me? (Or your instructor?) I work hard! I eat right, I exercise on top of my classes! Any good trainer would. Guys, I know my stuff-- let me show you the way to your goals, talk to me, email me, ask me questions, let me help you! My point is, you don’t get good skin because your skin care lady has good skin, you don’t get good teeth because your dentist has good teeth, and you don’t get fit because your instructor is fit-- you have to do the same things your skin care lady, dentist, and fitness instructors are doing! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again-- I CAN MAKE FITNESS FUN, let me show you the way!

You dont have to go to dental school or to dermatology school-- just do what you should be doing-- listen to your dentist, listen to your Mary Kay lady, and listen to the people that know fitness best!
You can't got to the dentist twice a year with no maintanence and still have good teeth or go to the gym once a week and expect results. You don't wash your hair or face once a week and don't expect pimples or greasy hair. You work hard and take care of yourself and then expect results.

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