Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thank you Google

I want to take a moment an talk to you about the area of a triangle and a square or rectangle....
My daughter is in 6th grade this year and she is working on this in her math class at school. The problem is, I can't remember how to do this stuff! The school sends her home with only a photo copied piece of paper with problems on it. There is no book to look back through, no examples to look at, nothing!
Need I remind you that my name is Tiffiany and I'm just an aerobics instructor? I don't need to know this to teach a class-- ask me anything about the muscles or the bones in your body and I'm there, ask me about nutrition, ask me the ingredients for a margarita, but area of a triangle, rectangle, or square?
Now, I've talked about Google before and how wonderful it is to find useless information-- like the name of Gargimels cat from the Smurfs, and that picture of ALF I put on my last post, but I have NEVER been so thankful to Google until today when I had to find the formulas to find areas for my child's homework!
I just typed in "area of a triangle" and BOOM-- there is was: lenght times Width divided by 2! Woo Hoo! I am feeling like a super smart mom now. Bring it on Math Teacher-- Bring it on!
Oh yeah, I'm planning on volunteering in the math class tomorrow at school-- I may have to eavesdrop on how to do tomorrows homework.

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